NDIS Transport and Travel​

NDIS Transport and Travel​

Core Supports

NDIS Transport Services

Travel and Transport Services

Many individuals may not think twice about their travel alternatives, but if you have a disability, traveling can be quite difficult.

People with disabilities may encounter several challenges while trying to move about, including difficulties finding and using either private or public transportation.

There are many support services available with funding from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to assist you live your life to the fullest whether you or a loved one has a disability. Let us examine what this implies specifically and how you might maximize your prospects.


How Can Travel and Transportation Services Benefit a Person with a Disability?

Mobility might be challenging if you have a handicap.


If you have a handicap, getting about could be one of your main problems. Living a normal life requires transportation, but some personal situations could make it difficult for you or a loved one to drive a car or take public transportation. You could also discover that you have restricted access to alternative modes of transportation, such taxis. 


When it comes to moving around, attending appointments, traveling, shopping, or visiting friends and family, as well as commuting to and from work or school, this may result in considerable constraints.


Lack of freedom resulting from personal circumstances is one of the main problems persons with disabilities encounter. This can enable you to engage fully in your community, social networks, and personal responsibilities, opening up a whole new degree of freedom with the aid of transport and travel services.

How Can Travel and Transportation Services Benefit a Person with a Disability?
How Can Community Participation Services Help Someone With a Disability?

NDIS Life Skills and Development

Life Skills are the things we learn along the way that enable us to function from day to day in a complex world full of challenges, expectations, unseen obstacles, and unavoidable circumstances. People living with disabilities often have different experiences where they may not have had the same exposures, or they may face different obstacles, and in turn, they have a different set of life skills.

Whether you or your loved one experiences a disability, there are ample support services available with funding from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to ensure you live your life to the fullest.

If you have any questions regarding our services or your specific needs, Reach out to us on below details

Why choose us?

About Ruhil Care

Ruhil Care started with the vision to set apart a space that is safe and accessible for the people with special needs, so they have choice and control over their services. Our hope is to clear out some of the obstacles that hinder their abilities and help them realise their full potential. Ruhil care is committed to safeguarding the rights and responsibilities of participants, their guardians, and staff members in all circumstances.