What is supported independent living?


Supported independent living is quite a weird term in a routine language. Rather I would say an interesting term. Many of us think being independent means being free from any kind of support which is rather impractical. Living alone in a house or being financially independent just doesn’t claim that there isn’t any need to get any kind of support. Still, it feels like a great achievement to us. Well, if being totally healthy doesn’t make us fully independent, think of how people with unique abilities can do it. Also, what that will mean to them. Acknowledging the need and moral it will provide to them, NDIS is here with another hand called SIL ( Supported independent living ). 

What exactly is SIL?

SIL is an aid provided to help one with unique abilities in living independently. It cares for individual needs and provides help of every kind. Purpose of SIL is to build their skills. Various assistance can be provided in here related to – 

  • Daily living tasks including cleaning, gardening, cooking or groceries. 
  • Personal care, oral hygiene, dressing etc can be a part of. 
  • Medication on time and well maintenance of stock required. 
  • Assistance in personal development and encouragement to opt in better standards of living.

All about SIL funding

SIL (supported independent living) funding can only be availed by NDIS Short Term Accommodation. Nevertheless one can apply with the help of various centres. Like Ruhil care helps you in preparation of application and documents as soon as you get in touch with them. Taking professional help is of course better. NDIS will issue funding only on the belief that such support will be an add on to your life. It will serve the purpose you are aiming for and will be lessening person to person support.


Now, the question one might feel like asking who can get this funding ( for those who don’t have an idea there are many types of disabilities, some are critical whereas others are not so critical so eligibility matters.)

In order to avail this funding you need to submit all this to NDIS –

  1. Current situation one is living in.
  2. What goals and aspirations one has and desires to fulfil with the same funding.
  3. Future home – it can be both scenarios
    •  Where you are living is the same where you want to continue to live.
    • Homes registered under NDIS.
  4. Age ( as to move out of the present house you need to be 18. It is less likely that you get funding for the same if you are 17.) 
  5. SIL is mainly for those who need active support for more than 8 hours. So, that must be one of the conditions before you are applying.


SIL does not cover everything. Some things are taken care of in this funding while many other basics are what you have to manage yourself. So, before applying just know about it. 

  • Cost of eatables and groceries.
  • Rent and vehicle cost
  • Utilities (to our surprise – yes, no utilities are covered).
  • Bills payable.
  • Holiday or travel expenses.

None of this is covered in supported independent living funding. If one is still willing to apply – go on reading!

What’s next or I mean last?

It is something that comes last in procedure but first in your journey – which is choosing a house registered under NDIS. Why is it that important?

Because this is where you will have to be, to grow, to spend time etc. you need to have a good one in order to focus on yourself not worry about this and that. A home is said to be the place where one is most comfortable. Choosing wisely is what you make or break your path to our aim. 

There are many options but relying on any option isn’t the deal. Get the best – plan your stay in all comfort at Ruhil care – because they genuinely care. Being at such a place where they are for you is what you will get in Ruhil care. All the best services and staff available for you. Top notch facilities to nourish you, help you and let you grow. Making your stay healthier and happier is the aim for Ruhil care

Every kind of support you need is Ruhil care’s priority. Satisfied people with us and themselves is what Ruhil care strives for and will continue to work better everyday for. Coming to Ruhil care is coming home!

If you have any questions regarding our services or your specific needs, Reach out to us on below details

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About Ruhil Care

Ruhil Care started with the vision to set apart a space that is safe and accessible for the people with special needs, so they have choice and control over their services. Our hope is to clear out some of the obstacles that hinder their abilities and help them realise their full potential. Ruhil care is committed to safeguarding the rights and responsibilities of participants, their guardians, and staff members in all circumstances.